There’s nothing we like celebrating more than the innovative use of websites and this Upshot Media client has certainly come up trumps. Chantal Karyta of CK9 Training, asked us to help her set up an online service to help dog owners across the world, deal with the problem of separation anxiety.
The Challenge
Separation anxiety in dogs is a really distressing problem. It’s awful for the dogs who are so stressed at the idea of being separated from their owners that they resort to antisocial and destructive behaviours to try to relieve their anxiety. Dog owners find everyday life increasingly more difficult as they daren’t so much as pop to the shops for pint of milk without their furry friend howling, crying, chewing furniture or losing control of bladder and bowels.
Separation Anxiety has always been one of the more common behavioural problems in dogs. But with so many pets becoming used to their owners being at home all day during the lockdown, more and more pets, and their owners have struggled to overcome the worry of being apart from each other.
However, separation anxiety, or SA is not easy to treat without expert help. It’s a doggy mental health issue, and just as we humans are suffering with depression, there is no “one size fits all’ solution. SA needs to be approached differently for each individual dog. The wrong approach could lead to an enormous amount of damage. But, there are not very many dog trainers who specialise in this distressing condition.
Introducing our client - Chantal Karyta - who has studied SA at great length and is one of the world’s leading experts in helping dogs and their owners cope with and recover from separation anxiety.
About Our Client, Chantal Karyta
Chantal is a highly regarded canine behaviourist who has been an Upshot Media customer for several years. Her dog training business in Surrey is represented online by an informative website with an online booking system so that clients can check out the dog training classes on offer and book their places at any time of the day or night. When lockdown hit in 2020, Chantal also began offering online consultations and video based training tutorials. This lady is incredibly innovative!
This very talented lady has many strings to her bow. Including qualifying to compete in the agility championships at Crufts. However, her latest website innovation concerns relieving separation anxiety in dogs.
The team at Upshot Media were asked to bring Chantal’s concept of an online SA therapy dog training service to life.
There are dog owners all the world who would like to be able to go out for the evening without paying a dog sitter, nip to the shops without the neighbours being subjected to heart wrenching howling, or even return to work without the fear of their home being chewed to pieces. Chantal’s online service offers a tailored training plan and lots of support.
Here’s how it works
Upshot Media have created the user-friendly website interface that allows dog owners (and Chantal) to log on to a secure account in order to record progress, ask questions and receive training plans at a time and place to suit them.
You can visit the website here to start your dog training journey.
Find out how an online booking system could benefit your business.
How to tell if your business website is in dire need of an update.
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